How to Start Using AI in Your Work: 5 Tips for Beginners

Sep 03, 2024 - Digital Marketing

How to Start Using AI in Your Work: 5 Tips for Beginners

Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn’t just something from science fiction movies anymore. It’s a powerful tool that can change the way you work, making your tasks easier and more efficient. Even if you’ve never used AI before, you can start adding it to your daily tasks to boost productivity. Here are five easy tips to help you get started:

1. Understand Your Needs

Before jumping into AI, it’s important to think about what you really need. Take a moment to ask yourself some questions: What tasks do you spend too much time on? Are there things you do repeatedly that could be done faster? Do you need help analysing data or getting insights? Knowing your specific needs will help you choose the right AI tools that can really make a difference.

2. Start with Small Steps

When trying something new, it’s usually best to start small. Don’t feel like you have to change everything at once. Begin by testing out simple AI tools that can help with basic tasks like organising your emails or setting reminders. As you get more comfortable, you can start using AI for more complex tasks. This way, you’ll slowly build your confidence and skills without feeling overwhelmed.

3. Learn the Basics

You don’t need to be a tech expert to use AI, but it does help to know a little bit about how it works. Spend some time learning the basics of AI. For example, understand what machine learning is (this is when a computer learns from data), or what natural language processing is (this is how computers understand human language). There are lots of free online courses and tutorials that can teach you these basics, and this knowledge will help you make better choices when using AI.

4. Use Tools You Already Know

You might be surprised to find out that some of the tools you already use have AI features built into them. For example, your email app might have an AI-powered spam filter, or your word processor might suggest ways to improve your writing. Explore the apps and tools you use daily to see if they have any AI features. This is a simple way to start using AI without needing to learn something completely new.

5. Keep Trying and Learning

AI is always changing, with new tools and techniques coming out all the time. Don’t be afraid to try new things and see what works for you. If something doesn’t work as you expected, don’t give up—learn from it and try a different approach. The key to success with AI is to keep experimenting and refining how you use it. Over time, you’ll get better and more comfortable with AI, making it a natural part of your work.


Starting with AI doesn’t have to be complicated or scary. By following these tips, you can gradually introduce AI into your work and start seeing the benefits. Remember, it’s okay to start small and learn as you go. With a little patience and practice, you’ll soon be using AI to make your work easier and more efficient. If you really want to learn more about AI, you can take a look at our training division - Online Marketing Academy's course here
