Debunking the Myth: The Cost of Digital Marketing

Jul 09, 2024 - Digital Marketing

Debunking the Myth: The Cost of Digital Marketing

In a previous blog post - Debunking the Myth: "Digital Marketing is Cheap", we discussed the misconception that digital marketing is inherently cheap. One key factor contributing to this myth is the vast array of digital marketing strategies, each with its own cost structure. Let's delve deeper into the specific costs associated with some of the most popular digital marketing tactics.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

There are two main cost considerations for SEO: tools and content creation.

  • Free SEO Tools: There are many free SEO tools available online, but they often have limitations. They might offer basic keyword research or on-page SEO analysis, but lack the depth and comprehensiveness of paid options.
  • Premium SEO Tools: Advanced SEO tools provide a wider range of features, including competitor keyword research, backlink analysis, technical SEO audits, and rank tracking. These tools can be expensive, often costing hundreds or even thousands of ringgit per month depending on the features offered.

In addition to tools, high-quality content is crucial for SEO success. This could involve blog posts, infographics, or website copy that targets relevant keywords and user intent. Costs can vary depending on the length and complexity of the content, but expect to pay freelance writers, editors, or content marketing agencies.

Earning backlinks from high-authority websites is a critical ranking factor in SEO. Link building campaigns can be time-consuming and require outreach to website owners and editors. Consider hiring link-building specialists or agencies, which can add to the overall SEO budget.

Pay-per-Click (PPC) Advertising

There are two main cost considerations for PPC advertising: platform fees and campaign management.

  • Platform Fees: Running PPC campaigns on platforms like Google Ads or social media advertising requires payment for each click your ad receives. The cost per click (CPC) can vary significantly depending on the industry, keyword competitiveness, and ad quality score. You can spend a few hundred ringgit per campaign but to be highly effective and get the results you desire, a more realistic budget will at least be in the region of RM2-5K and above.  
  • Campaign Management: Creating, managing, and optimising PPC campaigns can be complex. While some businesses manage their own PPC campaigns, hiring a PPC specialist or agency to ensure optimal campaign performance can be a significant cost factor.

Content Marketing

Content marketing relies heavily on content creation and distribution.

  • Content Creation: This includes various content formats like blog posts, articles, social media content, email newsletters, and even video content. Costs can include hiring freelance writers, graphic designers, videographers, or content marketing agencies and the cost can vary from thousands of ringgit up to 5 or 6 figures, depending on the quality and overall strategy.
  • Content Distribution: Creating great content is just one part of the equation. Distributing your content effectively through social media promotion, influencer marketing, or paid advertising can incur additional costs.

Social Media Marketing

There are two main cost considerations for social media marketing: tools and advertising.

  • Social Media Management Tools: Numerous social media management platforms can help schedule posts, track analytics, and engage with followers. While free options exist, premium plans with advanced features often come with a monthly subscription fee.
  • Social Media Advertising: Paid advertising on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn allows you to target your ideal audience with laser focus. However, similar to PPC advertising, social media ad spend can add up quickly depending on the campaign goals and target audience size. In most cases, you'll need to run multiple campaigns to ensure your funnel is delivering on your objectives.

Email Marketing

There are two main cost considerations for email marketing: software and design.

  • Email Marketing Software: Email marketing platforms offer features for building email lists, creating email campaigns, and tracking campaign performance. Pricing structures often vary based on the number of subscribers or features offered.
  • Email Design: Creating visually appealing and engaging email newsletters can require graphic design expertise. Hiring a freelance graphic designer or using a professional email design service will add to the cost.


By understanding the cost components of each digital marketing strategy, businesses can make informed decisions about where to allocate their resources. Remember, the "right" approach depends on your specific goals, target audience, and budget. The key takeaway is that effective digital marketing requires a well-defined strategy and a realistic understanding of the associated costs. If you compare it with traditional media such as billboards, newspaper ads and printed materials, digital marketing is definitely cheaper and more effective BUT it still requires a substantial budget to work.
